Start of Season against Waddesdon and Bassetsbury Manor
Lawrie bowls the first wood of the new season
Chesham Bowling Club's season got underway this week. The thoughts of the dreadful weather of the winter were put aside as bowling commenced in glorious sunshine, with the green looking splendid and bowling superbly.
Chesham's first match was against Waddesdon, with club president Lawrie Smethurst bowling the first wood of the season.
However, Waddesdon, bringing a strong team of five rinks, won the match, 84 – 114, with Chesham only winning on two. Highest Chesham rink was Molly Young, Sylvia Warrington, Tony Strudwick and Howard Cave 22 – 16.
Better news next day as Chesham got their first win of the season against Bassetsbury Manor, winning by 91 shots to 81. Top rink was Mo Bailey, Norman Green and Geoff Denham 28 – 5.
Next Sunday 28th April starting at 10.00am, Chesham is holding an Open Morning inviting prospective new bowlers to come along and try the game. Just wear soft soled shoes (e.g. trainers) – bowls will be provided.
Chesham's first match was against Waddesdon, with club president Lawrie Smethurst bowling the first wood of the season.
However, Waddesdon, bringing a strong team of five rinks, won the match, 84 – 114, with Chesham only winning on two. Highest Chesham rink was Molly Young, Sylvia Warrington, Tony Strudwick and Howard Cave 22 – 16.
Better news next day as Chesham got their first win of the season against Bassetsbury Manor, winning by 91 shots to 81. Top rink was Mo Bailey, Norman Green and Geoff Denham 28 – 5.
Next Sunday 28th April starting at 10.00am, Chesham is holding an Open Morning inviting prospective new bowlers to come along and try the game. Just wear soft soled shoes (e.g. trainers) – bowls will be provided.