Courtney set for England Trial - First Matches of the Season - Open Morning attracts several new bowlers
Chesham's outdoor season is underway, but so far without success, although Men's captain Chris Fillery has had a top rink in both matches. On Sunday Chesham lost to London Welsh by 21 shots, although there was a top rink of David Hobbs, Colin Parsons, Frank McCartney and captain Chris Fillery 28-18. This followed up another loss last Saturday against Waddesdon by 37 shots - top rink Molly Young, Fay Holmes, Tony Strudwick and Chris Fillery 20-15.
Courtney Harvey as been put forward for an England trial by the county bowling association, whilst brother Nathan Harvey and Keith Patrick are playing in a Middleton Cup trial against Bedfordshire later this month.
Courtney Harvey as been put forward for an England trial by the county bowling association, whilst brother Nathan Harvey and Keith Patrick are playing in a Middleton Cup trial against Bedfordshire later this month.
The open morning attracted a number of new bowlers of all ages. The picture shows Pauline Thomas from Chesham trying out the game surrounded by other prospective bowlers, and coaches and members of Chesham.