I assume you have all recovered from your riotous Christmas and New Year celebrations and are looking forward to Spring and Summer.
Have you had your Covid jab yet? Please let me know and I will compile a list to see what percentage of the club is covered. Hopefully enough of us will be done to ensure we get bowling again.
Your committee are planning a full season of bowls and are looking forward to re-living some of those Halcyon Days of previous Summers, on the green with friends sharing cheers and groans at bad and good shots. (is that the right way round?)
It has been decided, because of the uncertainty, not to publish a fixtures book this year, instead an email will go out with the membership renewal, with the games up until the end of May and possibly beond, I hope you feel able to support Mo and myself by putting your names forward to play and keep your fingers crossed.
There will be no meals for club games this year, as passed at the AGM tea and biscuits/cake will be served at half time, raffle tickets sold, and drawn at full time, hopefully over a drink and while a few spoken words are uttered by the Captains.
All Club competitions will be held if possible, but may have to be arranged as last year over weekends. I’m afraid you will have to pay this year.
As soon as the lock down is eased I will be calling on our work force to carry out the jobs we have not yet been able to do, but must be completed prior to opening. The new patio furniture is ready for assembly so get your electric screwdrivers charged and ready for action.
John Holland and your Committee