After the success of our first open days in April, the next (and last for this season) are nearly upon us.
In preparation for the 2 days, the sub committee will once again be advertising the event with:
- flyers in town and on social media.
- banners will be on display during the 2 weeks before in various locations in town,and
- if anyone is happy to display an A5 size flyer in their car then they will fit very nicely onto your side rear window or back windscreen, and they give us free advertising.
John will leave a supply on the table at the club entrance - please just help yourself to one.
Needless to say that we need help from the members on 22nd & 23rd JULY so if you're able to volunteer some of your time, please let Pam know ([email protected]) if you can help on either Sat, Sun or both days.
We need coaches to show people how to play.
We need members to come and help the coaches on the green.
We need people willing to make teas and coffees.
The bar will be open and those on bar duty are shown on the rota.
We need any member who wants to come and be part of the Open Days and support their Club.
Lets hope the sun shines for us again like it did in April - and lets have some fun!
Thank you in advance for any help which you can offer,