Then on Sunday against Bassetsbury, Chesham also had a good win 104 - 88 after being behind in the earlier stage of the match. The top rink of Pam Hooper, Roger Lofty, John Burgin and Trevor Bateman scored a hotshot (all 8 shots counting in an end) in their winning score of 28 - 11.
The club's Open Morning is on Saturday 25th April from 10am until 1pm, and everyone is welcome to come along and tryout the game of bowls.
No previous experience is necessary as Coaches and Members will be on hand to introduce you to the game. Bowls will be provided so all you need is casual dress and a pair of soft soled shoes (e.g. trainers).
The club is situated at the top of Lowndes Park in Chesham. It is reached by going up Bury Lane, which is off Church Street in Chesham, past the Guide Hut to the club car park at the top of the hill (our postcode is HP5 1HX).
For further information please call David Sills on 01494 583341 or see our website